"Székely 200" Piano recital at the Fricsay Hall of the Béla Bartók Art Faculty of the University of Szeged, on May. 7th., 2024. 

A Chinese and a Hungarian Folksong for piano in three difficulty levels (May 2023):

October 17., 2021.Michigan University, Ann Arbor (USA)

Lecture-recital at the American Liszt Society Festival

Due to the pandemic travel ban, the lecture-recital was held through video recording

CD release in 2018

Bach másképp Vol. 1

with Benedek Tóth Vibraphon and István Matúz Flute

J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue in E major WK II.9 (BWV 878)

L. v. Beethoven: Grande Sonate Pathétique in C minor (Op. 13) (5:55)

F. Chopin: Study in C major (Op. 10 No. 1) (23:05)

Franz Liszt Academy of Music, 1rst March, 2017

Maurice Ravel: Rapsodie Espagnole

(four hands version)

with Tamás Kéry

Debrecen, Bartók Hall, December 12th, 2012.

Liszt: Rákóczi induló

(four hands version)

with Tamás Kéry